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Statement of general policy and arrangements for SUPASTUDIOS

We will actively maintain and promote good health and safety procedures and will:

Maintain safe and healthy work conditions

  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks at our school

  • Be open to comments and suggestions from our employees, students and their parents on matters relating to health and safety

  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and students and make them aware of this policy

  • Ensure all employees are capable of doing their tasks, hold any required qualifications, and that they receive adequate training

  • Record any harm or injuries that occur in an Accident Book and make changes where required to avoid similar incidents in the future

  • Regularly review and update this policy.


Charlie Townsend has overall responsibility for health and safety.

A Health & Safety Law poster is displayed in Notice board.

A First Aid box is located in Behind the bar.

An Accident Book is located in Behind the bar.

In the case of an emergency or serious injury, please contact the emergency services on 999 or 112.

This policy was last reviewed on Saturday, June 3, 2023.

Policy and Procedures on Safeguarding Children & Adults at Risk

Name of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Prevent Officer: Charlie Townsend

Contact number for the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Prevent Officer: 07792165625

Names of First Aiders: Charlie Townsend

Purpose and scope of policy

SUPASTUDIOS has a ‘duty of care’ to provide a safe environment for and to promote the health and well-being of children under the age of 18 years and adults at risk. The SUPASTUDIOS will take all reasonable steps to ensure that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk is embedded in our contact with them through the training and activities we provide.


The SUPASTUDIOS believes that the welfare of the child is paramount. All children and adults at risk regardless age, disability, gender, race, sexual orientation or identity, or religious belief have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse. The purpose of this policy and associated procedures is:

  • to facilitate protection for children under the age of 18 years and adults at risk during any activity provided by the SUPASTUDIOS

  • to protect children and adults at risk where there is a concern about the behaviour of an adult, including a SUPASTUDIOS employee

  • to assist all individuals at the SUPASTUDIOS to meet their duty of care to safeguard all children and adults at risk who take part in SUPASTUDIOS activities

  • to ensure that where SUPASTUDIOS teaching faculty, students or visitors have concerns about the welfare of children or adults at risk, they are in a position to take appropriate steps to address them

Statutory and legislative frameworks

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of UK law and guidance.


Under the Children Act 1989, which applies to England and Wales, a child is a person up to the age of 18 years. For child protection purposes, all four nations in the UK use an age band up to 18 years old. This can also be up to the age of 25 years in the case of someone who is receiving help from Social Services or Education. Other relevant legislation includes the Children Act 2004 and the Children, Schools and Families Act 2010.


There is also a common law duty of care applicable to organisations not to be negligent and to avoid causing harm or injury.



The SUPASTUDIOS will ensure that the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and training are effective and comply with the law at all times and take account of statutory guidance. The SUPASTUDIOS will remedy any deficiencies or weaknesses in regard to safeguarding and child protection arrangements that are brought to their attention without delay.


The SUPASTUDIOS will safeguard children and adults at risk by:

  • valuing, listening to and respecting them

  • adopting child protection procedures

  • sharing information about child protection and good practice with children, adults at risk, Parents, carers, SUPASTUDIOS faculty and the companies and organisations with which we work

  • sharing information about concerns with the appropriate agencies

  • implementing and adhering to a Code of behaviour and good practice

  • ensuring to the best of our ability, the security of SUPASTUDIOS premises (owned or rented) where activities involving Children and adults at risk take place


No single professional, including those at the SUPASTUDIOS, can have a full picture of a child or adult at risk’s needs and circumstances. If children, carers and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.


The Policy is reviewed biennially or sooner if there are changes in legislation, guidance or in the event of an incident.


Terminology and Definitions

There are four main recognised categories of child abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and emotional abuse; in addition, the SUPASTUDIOS is aware of other considerations and practices that effect children and young people such as self-harm, eating disorders, bullying (including cyber-bullying), peer on peer abuse, serious youth violence, violence in the name of honour, radicalisation, child sexual exploitation, sexual violence and sexual harassment.


The SUPASTUDIOS also works with adults at risk who are protected by different legislation. The main forms of abuse in relation to an adult at risk include: physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial or material abuse, neglect, acts of omission and discriminatory abuse.

Overview and Responsibilities

These procedures aim to strike a balance between the need to protect children and adults at risk from abuse and the need to protect SUPASTUDIOS faculty, volunteers and visitors from false allegations.


It is not the responsibility of the SUPASTUDIOS faculty to decide whether a child or adult at risk has been abused in the past, is being abused, or might be abused. However, there is a responsibility to act on concerns in order that children and adults at risk can be supported and protected in the short term, and that appropriate agencies can make enquiries and take necessary action to protect them.


It is the remit of the appropriate authority and not anyone connected with the SUPASTUDIOS to investigate incidents that require referral.


Abuse of children and adults at risk can be perpetrated by another child or adult at risk and where this occurs the age and understanding of the alleged perpetrator must be taken into consideration. The circumstances of the alleged abuser must be assessed separately from those of the alleged victim and must include exploration of why the behaviour has occurred.


Where the SUPASTUDIOS receives reports of concerns regarding safe dance practice, they will carry out all possible and appropriate investigations as the expert in the dance and drama education field. In the event of the investigation substantiating such concerns, a safeguarding referral may then be made to the appropriate authority. In this context, it should be noted that complaints cannot be assumed to be substantiated until appropriate processes have been completed, and in some circumstances may be rejected or may not be able to be investigated (e.g in the case of anonymous complaints).

Responding to a safeguarding incident or concern involving a child or adult at risk

If an incident, allegation or suspicion of abuse or any other matter which calls the wellbeing of a child or adult at risk into question, the SUPASTUDIOS should follow the procedure below:

  • stop other activity and focus on what you are being told or seeing – responding to the incident being reported should take immediate priority

  • react in a calm and considered way but show concern

  • tell the child, adult at risk or third party that it is right for them to share this information

  • take what the child, adult at risk or third party has said seriously and allow extra time where there is a speech or language difficulty

  • keep questions to an absolute minimum necessary to gain a clear and accurate understanding of what is being said and do not interrogate the child, adult at risk or third party

  • offer reassurance

  • do not give assurances of confidentiality but explain you will need to pass on this information to those that need to know;

  • and consider whether immediate action is needed to protect a child or adult at risk who may have been harmed or be at risk of harm – think about the child or adult at risk who is the immediate concern and any others who may have been harmed or be at risk of harm, in light of what you have been told or seen

  • safeguarding incidents and/or behaviours can be associated with factors that occur outside of the SUPASTUDIOS (such as family matters, and/or issues between children or adults at risk outside of the SUPASTUDIOS) and so when dealing with a concern the full context should be considered


In cases where there is an immediate risk of harm to a child or adult at risk and it is unsafe to wait until the next working day, the appropriate authorities should be contacted immediately and you should stay with those you think are at immediate risk until they can be transferred to safe care, where practical.


Reporting a safeguarding incident or concern

Make a comprehensive record of what is said or seen and actions taken at the earliest possible opportunity. The record should include the following: a detailed record of the incident in the child or adult at risk’s own words or the words of the third party reporting it. You should note that there may be occasions when this record may be used later in a criminal trial and therefore needs to be as full and accurate as possible details of the nature of the incident a description of any injury (please note that you must not remove the clothing of a child or adult at risk to inspect injuries) dates, times or places and any other information that may be useful such as the names and addresses of potential witnesses; and written records including emails and letters. The report should be submitted to the appropriate authority immediately but if this is not possible, certainly within 24 hours. All SUPASTUDIOS faculty handling cases involving allegations against teachers, students or visitors will recognise the need for absolute confidentiality in these circumstances. There may be occasions when it is appropriate for the child(ren)’s main school to be contacted, where these details are known.

Further advice and guidance

Anyone who wishes to seek guidance from an external agency may contact the Police or Social Services Department. Guidance and advice is also available from the NSPCC Adult Child Protection Helpline or Childline for children and young people.


Definitions of abuse:

These definitions are based on those from Working Together to Safeguard Children (Department of Health, Home office, Department for Education and Employment, 1999)


  • Physical abuse:

    • Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. This situation is commonly described as factitious illness, fabricated or induced illness in children or “Munchausen Syndrome by proxy” after the person who first identified this situation.

      • A person might do this because they enjoy or need the attention they get through having a sick child.

    • Physical abuse, as well as being the result of a deliberate act, can also be caused through omission or the failure to act to protect.

    • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is also classed as physical abuse. FGM has been a criminal offence in the UK since 1985. In 2003 it also became a criminal offence for UK nationals or permanent UK residents to take their child abroad to have female genital mutilation.

  • Emotional abuse:

    • Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making a child feel or believe they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of the other person.

    • It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. It may also involve causing children to feel frequently frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of a child.

    • Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it may occur alone.

  • Sexual abuse:

    • Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of, or consents to, what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative acts such as rape, buggery or oral sex, or non-penetrative acts such as fondling.

    • Sexual abuse may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

    • Boys and girls can be sexually abused by males and or females, by adults and by other young people. This includes people from all different walks of life.

  • Neglect:

    • Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent or a carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, leaving a young child home alone or the failure to ensure that a child gets appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.


It is accepted that in all forms of abuse there are elements of emotional abuse, and that some children are subjected to more than one form of abuse at any time. These four definitions do not minimise other forms of maltreatment.



Recent guidance notes other sources of stress for children and families, such as social exclusion, domestic violence, the mental illness of a parent or carer, or drug and alcohol misuse. These may have a negative impact on a child’s health and development and may be noticed by an organisation caring for a child. If it is felt that a child’s well-being is adversely affected by any of these areas, the same procedures should be followed.

Recognising and Responding to Abuse

The following signs may or may not be indicators that abuse has taken place, but the possibility should be considered.


Physical signs of abuse

  • Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given for them

  • Injuries which occur to the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls or games

  • Unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body

  • Bruises which reflect hand marks or fingertips (from slapping or pinching)

  • Cigarette burns

  • Bite marks

  • Broken bones

  • Scalds

  • Injuries which have not received medical attention

  • Neglect-under nourishment, failure to grow, constant hunger, stealing or gorging food, untreated illnesses, inadequate care

  • Repeated urinary infections or unexplained stomach pains


Changes in behaviour which can also indicate physical abuse:

  • Fear of parents being approached for an explanation

  • Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts

  • Flinching when approached or touched

  • Reluctance to get changed, for example, wearing long sleeves in hot weather

  • Depression

  • Withdrawn behaviour

  • Running away from home


Emotional signs of abuse

The physical signs of emotional abuse may include:

  • A failure to thrive or grow particularly if a child puts on weight in other circumstances e.g. in hospital or away from their parents’ care

  • Sudden speech disorders

  • Persistent tiredness

  • Development delay, either in terms of physical or emotional progress


Changes in behaviour which can also indicate emotional abuse include:

  • Obsessions or phobias

  • Sudden under-achievement or lack of concentration

  • Inappropriate relationships with peers and/or adults

  • Being unable to play

  • Attention seeking behaviour

  • Fear of making mistakes

  • Self-harm

  • Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour

Sexual Abuse

The physical signs of sexual abuse may include:

  • Bruising or bleeding near genital/anal areas

  • Sexually transmitted disease

  • Stomach pains

  • Discomfort when walking or sitting down

  • Pregnancy


Changes in behaviour which can also indicate sexual abuse include:

  • Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour e.g. becoming withdrawn or aggressive

  • Fear of being left with a specific person or group of people

  • Having nightmares

  • Running away from home

  • Sexual knowledge which is beyond their age or developmental level

  • Sexual drawings or language

  • Bedwetting

  • Eating problems such as over-eating or anorexia

  • Self-harm or mutilation, sometimes leading to suicide attempts

  • Saying they have secrets they cannot tell anyone about Substance or drug abuse

  • Suddenly having unexplained sources of money

  • Not allowed to have friends (particularly in adolescence)

  • Acting in a sexually explicit way with adults



  • The physical signs of neglect may include:

  • Constant hunger, sometimes stealing food from other children

  • Constantly dirty or smelly

  • Loss of weight or being constantly underweight

  • Inappropriate dress for the conditions


Changes in behaviour which can also indicate neglect include:

  • Complaining of being tired all the time

  • Not requesting medical assistance and/or failing to attend appointments

  • Having few friends

  • Mentioning being left alone or unsupervised

Code of Behaviour and Good Practice

The SUPASTUDIOS believes that the Code of Behaviour and Good Practice will assist everyone in protecting children and adults at risk. Anyone organising activities on behalf of the SUPASTUDIOS, involving children and/or adults at risk, must adhere to this code as set out below:

  • All children and adults at risk should be treated with respect

  • All children and adults at risk (including those with special educational needs) should be provided with an environment in which they can feel confident and able to discuss their concerns and have support with communication difficulties where needed

  • All activities (including examinations) involving children and adults at risk should include a ratio of one adult to every 10 children/adults at risk.

  • For younger children under the age of nine, there should always be at least one additional adult (e.g. a teacher, a pianist, an assistant). Where this is not possible, the SUPASTUDIOS will ensure that activities take place within sight or hearing of other adults

  • Respect should be given to a child’s or adult at risk’s rights to personal privacy

  • Physical contact with a child or young person may be misinterpreted and should be avoided. Where any physical touching is required for purposes of instruction, it should be provided openly in front of other students. Parents, guardians and students will be warned in advance that physical touching may be required for correctional purposes only

  • Feedback should always be constructive rather than negative and language used should never be threatening or upsetting

  • Private or unobserved contact with a young person or adult at risk should be avoided wherever possible unless authorisation is given by the appropriate parent or guardian

  • Children with special educational needs/disabilities may be especially vulnerable to abuse and extra care should be taken to interpret apparent signs of abuse or neglect. They may be disproportionately impacted by behaviour such as abuse or bullying without outwardly showing any signs through communication barriers

  • Assumptions should not be made that indicators of abuse (e.g. behaviour, mood and Injury) relate to a child’s disability or learning difficulty without further exploration

  • If first aid is required, where possible, it should be administered by a trained first aider in the presence of another adult. SUPASTUDIOS First Aiders are as follows; Scott Wilson, Charlie Townsend

  • A First Aider will complete a report if they have any safeguarding concerns as a result of administering the first aid

  • The SUPASTUDIOS has changing room guidelines which are designed to provide a safe environment in which children and adults at risk can use SUPASTUDIOS facilities. Teachers should encourage children, young people, parents, guardians and carers to follow this guidance

  • The changing room guidelines prohibit the use of telephones, cameras or other photographic or filming devices being used in changing rooms or toilet facilities

  • Written parental or guardian consent should always be obtained by the SUPASTUDIOS for the use of any photographs, film or videos involving children and adults at risk. This should clearly indicate the uses to which the photographs, film or videos will be put.

  • SUPASTUDIOS Faculty, students, volunteers and visitors where appropriate, should challenge unacceptable behaviour in accordance with the provisions of this code of conduct and good practice


Any incidents, allegations or suspicions of abuse should be reported immediately.

In all dealings with children and adults at risk, SUPASTUDIOS Faculty, students, volunteers and visitors to the SUPASTUDIOS where appropriate, should never:

  • leave children who are in their care unsupervised on SUPASTUDIOS premises

  • play rough, physical or sexually provocative games, involving or observed by children or adults at risk whether based on talking or touching

  • allow or engage in any form of inappropriate physical activity involving children or adult at risk, or any bullying of a child by an adult or another child

  • allow children or adults at risk to use inappropriate language without challenging it

  • use any physical punishment as part of disciplining a child or adult at risk

  • give their personal contact details to a child or adult at risk whom they have met through work including via social networking sites

  • allow allegations by a child or adult at risk to go unrecorded or not acted upon in accordance with these or other SUPASTUDIOS procedures


Any incidents which cause concern in respect of a child or an adult at risk must be reported immediately. Below are examples of incidents which are to be reported. When...

  • a child or adult at risk is hurt accidentally

  • you think a child or adult at risk has misunderstood or misinterprets something you have done

  • you have been required to take action to prevent a child or adult at risk from harming themselves or another, or from causing significant damage to property. Unless you have received specific training on how to restrain a child or adult at risk, this should only be done as a last resort. Try not to do it alone, call for assistance

  • you see any suspicious marks on a child or adult at risk

  • you hear any allegations made by a child or adult at risk or any other person relating to events giving rise to a safeguarding concern either inside or outside of the SUPASTUDIOS which have happened recently or in the past

  • you are concerned that a child or adult at risk is being subjected to violence in the name of honour

  • a child or adult at risk discloses that they have been a victim or are involved in serious violent crime


The SUPASTUDIOS uses the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) in the UK for criminal record checks and follows its advice with regard to requirements in relation to vetting and checking any SUPASTUDIOS Faculty. People and organisations that hire the SUPASTUDIOS premises to run their own activities will be required to have their own necessary disclosure and barring checks done for any employees and volunteers. For the avoidance of doubt, this means that anyone who will be working with participants below the age of 18 or adults at risk in any capacity must hold an appropriate Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring service. This requirement applies whether parents, guardians and/or carers are present during the activities or not.


Photography and filming of children and/or adults at risk

No filming or photography of children or adults at risk should take place without gaining written permission from the appropriate parent, guardian or carer. The purposes for which any photographic images or film will be used should be clearly explained. There is evidence that some people do use activities and events as an opportunity to take photographs or footage of children and/or adults at risk, including those with disabilities, with the intention to use them inappropriately or manipulate them.


Online Classes

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, SUPASTUDIOS may deliver lessons via an online video conferencing software called N/A. Safeguarding policies will be followed as normal, with some additional precautions. N/A is an unaffiliated company, and attendees must agree to their terms and conditions. Online security and GDPR have been assessed and deemed acceptable. Attendees join through private links sent only to people who have pre-booked sessions. Session leaders add attendees through waiting room feature to ensure only SUPASTUDIOS students have access. All attendees must use their webcam at all times.

General Data Protection Regulations 2018 Policy for SUPASTUDIOS

In accordance with the GPDR Statement

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and replaces the previous Data Protection. It was approved by the EU Parliament in 2016 and came into effect on 25th May 2018. GDPR states that personal data should be ‘processed fairly & lawfully’ and ‘collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes’ and that individual’s data is not processed without their knowledge and are only processed with their ‘explicit’ consent. GDPR covers personal data relating to individuals. SUPASTUDIOS is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of children’s, students, parents, visitors and staff personal data. The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly.


What we do at SUPASTUDIOS

  • We do not disclose (other than to Official Examination bodies) or sell personal data to third parties.

  • We do not disclose personal data to other members of the School and their families.

  • The School uses contact numbers and emails for communication with and updates to parents, whole school and individual communication, invoices and general information.

  • Emergency parent contact numbers are given to SUPASTUDIOS for the use of emergency contact & for contact in respect of Dance School business only.

  • Personal data is stored in a locked password-protected computer database.

  • Hard copy information is destroyed via a shredding device when the students leaves the School.


Information about individual children is used in certain documents, such as a weekly register, medication information and examination documentation. These documents include data such as children’s names, date of birth and emergency contact numbers.


SUPASTUDIOS stores personal data held visually in photographs or video clips. No names are stored with images in photo albums, displays, on the website or on SUPASTUDIOS social media sites without express permission.


Access to the School Email account, Website, Personal Data, Social Media Accounts and Examination Details is password protected and is not available to members of the Public, members of the school and or its staff. The Manager/Owner (Scott Wilson) has sole access to all this data.


GDPR includes 7 rights for individuals

1) The right to be informed SUPASTUDIOS is registered with dance and drama bodies and as such is required to collect and manage certain data. The School collects parents’ and or guardians’ names, addresses, emergency telephone numbers, medical information, and email addresses. As an Employer of Self-Employed Practitioners, SUPASTUDIOS is required to hold data on its Teachers such as names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and bank details. Information such as Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check references, personal Public Liability insurance, RAD/ISTD Membership details.


2) The right of access At any point an individual can make a request relating to their data and SUPASTUDIOS will need to provide a response (within 1 month). SUPASTUDIOS can refuse a request if we have a lawful obligation to retain data but we will inform the individual of the reasons for the rejection.


3) The right to erasure You have the right to request the deletion of your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use. However, SUPASTUDIOS has a legal duty to keep student and parents' details for a reasonable time*. SUPASTUDIOS retain any records relating to the student’s accident and injury records for 19 years (or until the child reaches 21 years), and 22 years (or until the child reaches 24 years) for Safeguarding/Child Protection records. Self Employed Teaching records will be erased when the member of staff leaves their position. All hard copy information is destroyed via a shredding device. * SUPASTUDIOS holds personal data while the student is registered at the School. Once the student leaves data will be erased.


4) The right to restrict processing Parents, visitors and staff can object to SUPASTUDIOS processing their data. This means that records can be stored but must not be used in any way, for example School Communications, General Emails about School news and updates. In this situation, The School has no obligation to refund any classes missed or cancelled due to ‘lack of communication’. It will be the parent’s responsibility to ensure they are informed about any events happening at the School.


5) The right to data portability SUPASTUDIOS requires data, for example registration forms to be transferred from student to teacher, to School Principal. The School is also required to provide data such as student DOB and exam pin numbers to be able to enter students in dance examinations. In this case, recipients (such as the ISTD/RAD) use secure file transfer systems and have their own policies and procedures in place in relation to GDPR.


6) The right to object Parents, visitors, and staff can object to their data being used for certain activities like marketing or research.


7) The right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling. Automated decisions and profiling are used for marketing-based organisations. SUPASTUDIOS does not use personal data for such purposes. 

Accident and Illness Policy for SUPASTUDIOS

At SUPASTUDIOS we will deal promptly and effectively with any illnesses or injuries that occur while children are in our care. We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe from communicable diseases (including COVID-19).


All parents or carers must complete the Medical Form when their child joins the School, requesting permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident or illness.


We will record any accidents or illnesses, together with any treatment given, on an Incident Record or Accident Record sheet as appropriate, which the parent or carer will be asked to sign when they collect the child.


SUPASTUDIOS cannot accept children who are ill. If any children are ill when they first arrive at the School we will immediately notify their parents or carers to come and collect them. Any children who have been ill should not return to the School until they have fully recovered, or until after the minimum exclusion period has expired (see table at the end of this policy).


First Aid

The School’s designated First Aider is Scott Wilson, Charlie Townsend .


The designated First Aider(s) have a current first aid certificate and has attended a minimum of one-day Emergency First Aid course. First aid training will be renewed every three years. To ensure that there is a qualified first aider present and available at all times when the School is running, other members of staff will also receive first aid training. We will take into account the number of children and layout of the premises to ensure that first aiders are able to respond quickly to any incident.


The location of the first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders is clearly displayed Behind the bar. The designated First Aider regularly checks the contents of the first aid box to ensure that they are up to date, appropriate for children and comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.


The manager will ensure that a first aid kit is taken on all outings (festivals, competitions, shows etc) and that at least one member of staff on the outing holds a current first aid certificate.

Procedure for a minor injury or illness

The first aider at the session will decide upon the appropriate action to take if a child becomes ill or suffers a minor injury.

  • If a child becomes ill during a session, the parent or carer will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible. The child will be kept comfortable and will be closely supervised while awaiting collection.

  • If a child complains of illness that does not impair their overall well-being, the child will be monitored for the rest of the session and the parent or carer will be notified when the child is collected.

  • If a child suffers a minor injury, first aid will be administered and the child will be monitored for the remainder of the session. If necessary, the child’s parent will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible.

Procedure for a major injury or serious illness

In the event of a child becoming seriously ill or suffering a major injury, the first aider at the session will decide whether the child needs to go straight to the hospital or whether it is safe to wait for their parent or carer to arrive.

  • If the child needs to go straight to the hospital, we will call an ambulance and a member of staff will go to the hospital with the child. The staff member will take the child’s Medical Form with them and will consent to any necessary treatment (as approved by the parents on the Medical Form).

  • We will contact the child’s parents or carers with all urgency. If they are unavailable, we will call the other emergency contacts that we have on file for the child.

  • After a major incident, the manager and staff will review the events and consider whether any changes need to be made to the School’s policies or procedures.

  • We will notify HSE under RIDDOR in the case of a death or major injury on the premises (eg broken limb, amputation, dislocation, etc – see the HSE website for a full list of reportable injuries).


Communicable diseases and conditions

If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the School’s premises, we will inform parents and carers as soon as possible in order they may take appropriate action.


If there is an outbreak of a notifiable disease at the School, we will inform the local health protection unit, HSE under RIDDOR (if appropriate), and Ofsted.


RIDDOR Incident Contact Unit: 0845 300 99 23

Complaints Policy for SUPASTUDIOS

At SUPASTUDIOS we aim to work in partnership with parents to deliver a high-quality dance tuition for everyone. If for any reason we fall short of this goal, we would like to be informed in order to amend our practices for the future. Our complaints policy is displayed on the premises at all times. Records of all complaints are kept for at least three years. A summary of complaints is available for parents on request. The manager is usually responsible for dealing with complaints. If the complaint is about the manager, the registered person or other senior member of staff will investigate the matter. Any complaints received about staff members will be recorded on an Incident log and a Complaints log will be completed. Any complaints made will be dealt with in the following manner:


Stage one

Complaints about aspects of SUPASTUDIOS’s activity:

  • The manager will discuss the matter informally with the parent or carer concerned and aim to reach a satisfactory resolution. Complaints about an individual staff member:

  • If appropriate, the parent will be encouraged to discuss the matter with staff concerned.

  • If the parent feels that this is not appropriate, the matter will be discussed with the manager, who will then discuss the complaint with the staff member and try to reach a satisfactory resolution.


Stage two

  • If it is impossible to reach a satisfactory resolution to the complaint through informal discussion, the parent or carer should put their complaint in writing to Scott Wilson. The manager will: 

  • Acknowledge receipt of the letter within 7 days. 

  • Investigate the matter and notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days.

  • Send a full response in writing, to all relevant parties, including details of any recommended changes to be made to the school’s practices or policies as a result of the complaint.

  • Meet relevant parties to discuss the school’s response to the complaint, either together or on an individual basis.


If child protection issues are raised, the manager will refer the situation to the School’s Child Protection Officer, who will then contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and follow the procedures of the Safeguarding Policy. If a criminal act may have been committed, the manager will contact the police.


Making a complaint to Ofsted (where relevant)

Any parent or carer can submit a complaint to Ofsted about SUPASTUDIOS at any time. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints. Ofsted’s address is: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD

Telephone: 0300 123 1231 (general enquiries), 0300 123 4666 (complaints)

Equalities Policy for SUPASTUDIOS


To achieve SUPASTUDIOS's objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, the School will:

  • Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.

  • Not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, class, family status or HIV/Aids status.

  • Help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.

  • Strive to ensure that children feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.

  • Ensure that its services are available to all parents/carers and children in the local community.

  • Ensure that SUPASTUDIOS recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non-discriminatory.

  • Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

  • We will monitor and review the effectiveness of our inclusive practice by conducting an Inclusion Audit on an annual basis.


Challenging inappropriate attitudes and practices

We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices by engaging children and adults in discussion, by displaying positive images of race and disability, and through our staff modelling anti-discriminatory behaviour at all times.


Racial harassment

SUPASTUDIOS will not tolerate any form of racial harassment. The school will challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from the children at the school, from staff and from any other adults on school premises and when representing the school at competitions and events (eg parents/carers collecting children or watching/supporting events).


Promoting equal opportunities SUPASTUDIOS

Equal Opportunities Named Coordinator (ENCO) is Scott Wilson. The ENCO / Manager is responsible for ensuring that:

  • Staff receive relevant and appropriate training

  • This Equalities policy is consistent with current legislation and guidance

  • Appropriate action is taken wherever discriminatory behaviour, language or attitudes occur.


Children with additional needs

Our School recognises that some children have additional needs or physical disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We will assess the individual needs of each child in consultation with their parents prior to their attending the school and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children can access our services and are made to feel welcome. Where one-to-one support is required, we will endeavour to assist parents in accessing the funding required to provide the additional care.


Special Educational Needs Coordinator

SUPASTUDIOS Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Scott Wilson. The SENCO will:

  • Manage the provision for children with special educational needs or physical disabilities.

  • Be fully trained and experienced in the care and assessment of such children.


All members of staff will assist the SENCO in caring for children with additional needs or physical disabilities.

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+44 7414 899008


Mill Farm, Madingley Road

Cambridge, CB23 7PH

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